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Profile Image of Pro Arwood Waste of New York

Arwood Waste of New York

345 W 86th St, #302, New York, New York, 10024

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We provide competitive dumpster rental & portable Toilet prices across the US.John D. Arwood is President of Arwood Waste, a local waste disposal and demolition company in Jacksonville, FL and Arwood Waste National, a nationwide waste management and portable sanitation provider. Founded in 1984 alongside his father, John C. Arwood learned the fundamentals that have led to over 30 years of success in the waste disposal and sanitation industry. In ...2004 he established a nationwide network of waste management and portable sanitation companies under Arwood Waste National. Caring for his community has been a priority, through personally funded and inspired initiatives like National Garbage Man Day, Space Waste Solutions, & The Recycle Guide, he continues to raise awareness and educate about the waste management industry, garbage workers, and environmental conservation. For Arwood, his joy comes from seeing more & more garbage collectors celebrated & appreciated in their communities for the hard work they accomplish daily.

Services Offered


Dumpster Rental, Delivery & Pickup


Dumpster Rental

Address & Business Hours

location_on 345 W 86th St, #302, New York, New York, 10024

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17 Mins

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