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BTE Building Services

13887 South Saddlehorn Drive, Bluffdale, Utah, 84065

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A clean, tidy office is what everyone wants. However, actually getting it (not to mention maintaining it) can be a challenge. It requires persistence, a lot of time, and the right tools and knowledge. From the dust on the work stations to the grime on the office kitchen floor, keeping your office fresh can seem like a never-ending cycle. The cost of equipment starts piling up and if you’re green-minded, keeping up with the best sustainable prac ...tices can be overwhelming. You have two options: Ignore the cleaning duties and let your office (and employees) slide into chaos, or let the professionals at BTE Building Services take care of things. We offer cleaning solutions that are fast and effective, so that you can focus on your business. Get a brand new look with new floors or carpets, or even allow our feng shui and design experts to optimize the placement of your furniture. No office is too big or small, and we’re always up for a unique challenge. For comprehensive cleaning solutions, count on the best from BTE.

Services Offered


House Cleaning


General Contractors

General Contractors

Address & Business Hours

location_on 13887 South Saddlehorn Drive, Bluffdale, Utah, 84065

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23 Mins

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