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Profile Image of Pro Christian Duvernois Landscape/Gallery

Christian Duvernois Landscape/Gallery

648 Broadway, 804, New York, New York, 10012

Time In Business: 23 Years

Clinet Review

B Review

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Christian Duvernois Landscape/Gallery is a transdisciplinary landscape design studio and art gallery. They endeavor to create environments tailored to a unique vision. They commit to individual client-based requirements and acknowledge the importance of the clients vision. By filtering these core values through a rigorous process of spatial, aesthetic, and technical exploration, CDL/G delivers memorable and lasting places. CDL/G formulates adapt ...ive strategies to accommodate a natural evolution of all designs. A feature of CDL/G’s design approach is a sensitivity to site constraint and material application. It is CDL/G’s belief that creating environments that allow for regular use, changing seasons, variable weather, and future growth is a critical component in the creation of compelling spaces. CDL/G’s design approach is also characterised by the expansion of the role of the traditional artist. CDL/G looks beyond the realm of the conventional and uses specialized artists to generate site-specific pieces. By engaging artists in the creative process, the overall design concept is transformed and the experiential quality of the space is enhanced. As a natural extension to their design practice, Christian Duvernois Gallery, opening in January 2014, will feature international contemporary artists whose work is derived from and inspired by the concept of landscape. This assembled group of artists represents a broad geographical and cultural cross-section of painters, sculptors, photographers and video artists. Each artist has a unique background consequently creating a dynamic dialogue that explores divergent ideologies of place, nature and collective understanding of the world around us. Christian Duvernois Gallery will engage as an atelier for Art du Jardin, commissioning contemporary artists to design garden pieces within a this vision. The gallery will not only exhibit the pieces, but also produce them as limited editions. The gallery will also serve as a laboratory for museum-scale exhibitions that explore the concept of landscape from an art historical perspective.

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Address & Business Hours

location_on 648 Broadway, 804, New York, New York, 10012
Mon 10:00 AM - 07:00 AM
Tue 10:00 AM - 07:00 AM
Wed 10:00 AM - 07:00 AM
Thu 10:00 AM - 07:00 AM
Fri 10:00 AM - 07:00 AM

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