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Profile Image of Pro Green Depot

Green Depot

222 Bowery, New York, New York, 10012

Time In Business: 19 Years

Clinet Review

B Review

ContractorPlus Rating

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Green Depot is the nation's leading supplier of environmentally friendly building and lifestyle products, services and home solutions. Our mission is to make green building products readily accessible to homeowners and builders so that sustainable practices can easily be adopted into standard construction operations. We utilize a sophisticated, proprietary Green Filter that focuses on Conservation, Local Resources, Energy Efficiency, Air Quality ...and Corporate Responsibility to show what makes our products sustainable. We provide materials for projects big and small across the country - from single family homes to corporate headquarters for companies like Amazon in Seattle and Bank of America in New York. Green Depot has an active ecommerce site, 11 stores including New York, Seattle and Portland, and 20 distribution warehouses across the country. We are an FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council) certified carrier with Chain of Custody certification. The flagship store in Manhattan is rated LEED Platinum, and in 2010 the company was recognized with a region 2 EPA Environmental Quality Award. Green Depot is a certified woman owned business (WBENC, WBE NY, NJ, and PA). For a list of more projects that Green Depot has served, visit our notable projects page.

Services Offered

Address & Business Hours

location_on 222 Bowery, New York, New York, 10012
Sun 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tue 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Wed 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Thu 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Fri 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Sat 11:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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19 Mins

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